Action Plan (2019-2023) for Education Degree College
Background Information
This school was started as Basic Education High school in 1946 and was changed into Teacher Training College from 22.10.1969 to 21.11.1998,It was also upgraded into Thingangyun Education College in 1998 and it has been standing as Education College over 20 years and as Teacher Training school and college about 50 years, As Thingangyun Education College is one of the Teacher Training school and college under the Ministry of Education in Myanmar. The improvement of the teacher education and promotion the quality of teacher education are the vital roles to reach our NESP goals,Now ,our government is currently doing the education reform including upgrading education colleges to education degree colleges and curriculum reform including upgrading education colleges are producing student teachers who will be the primary and secondary teachers in Basic Education sectors and in-service teachers from basic education high schools. In our school, there are 18 teaching departments and is conducting Diploma in Teacher Training (D .T .Ed) course ,D.T.E.C, Pre-service Primary Teacher Training (PPTT) course and Correspondence Course for In-Service Primary Teachers Training every academic year. There are three main curriculums: Methodology (Teaching methods and techniques), Academic (subject matter contents) and Co-curriculum subjects. The teachers from methodology department are training the students how to teach, whereas Academic departments subject matter content and co-curriculum practical training. Laboratory apparatus and chemicals are supplied in Science departments and necessary teaching material are provided in all departments. The current school year is form December to March(1st semester), April and May (two-month holiday but another training course(PPTT) are in progress), June to September (2nd semester), October (two-month holiday but another training course (PPTT) are in progress and Teaching Practicum period for D .T. Ed students).